29 November 2018
In association with 4PB
5.30pm to 7.00pm at 4PB, Temple, LONDON EC4Y 7EX
5.30pm Introduction and brief talk on recent developments by Henry Setright QC
5.45pm Workshops (20 minutes each) on the following topics:
ï‚· Recognition of orders under BIIA and 1996 Hague Convention.
ï‚· Asylum/immigration in child abduction cases. Is asylum an absolute bar?
ï‚· The new practice direction – more honoured in the breach?
6.45pm Round up of the issues raised in the case studies, and feedback from practitioners’.
7.00pm Conclusion of workshop
All delegates are invited to us at the conclusion of the workshop for the
CALA Christmas Party at the Hack & Hope, 35 Whitefriars Street, London EC4Y 8BH.
For members not attending the workshop, the party starts at 6.30pm
Previous Events
CALA Spring Lecture
An Evening with the President of the Family Division, and Head of Family Justice, Sir James Munby.
The Child Abduction Lawyers Association is pleased to invite you to our annual Spring Lecture, delivered by Sir James Munby
At St Bride Foundation
Bridewell Hall,
Bride Lane,
Fleet Street,
London, EC4Y 8EQ
Doors: 5.15pm
AGM: 5.30 – 6pm
Lecture: 6.30 – 7.30pm
Drinks Reception and Canapés: 7.30 – 9:00 pm
Cost: £10 for members, £25 for non-members.
Please note that numbers are strictly limited and bookings from CALA members will be given priority. Places will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment.
RSVP to Kevin Skinner: kevinskinner@goodmanray.com
13 DECEMBER 2017
CALA’s Christmas Party
The Child Abduction Lawyers Association is pleased to invite you to our Christmas party.
Drinks reception: 6.30pm ‘til late
At: The upstairs bar at Bunghole Cellars, 57 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6DT
FREE for members, £20 for non-members.
RSVP by 6 December 2017 to Kevin Skinner, CALA Events Officer: events@childabductionlawyers.org.uk
View the event flyer
11 OCTOBER 2017
CALA’s Autumn lecture
The Child Abduction Lawyers Association is pleased to invite you to CALA’s Autumn Lecture, delivered by Mr Justice MacDonald
Arrival: 6.00pm
Lecture: 6.30pm – 7.30 pm
Drinks Reception and Canapés: 7.30pm – 9.00 pm
At: Bride Hall, St Brides Foundation, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, EC4T 8 EQ
£10 for members, £25 for non-members.
Please note that numbers are strictly limited and bookings from CALA members will be given priority. Places will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment.
RSVP to Kevin Skinner, CALA Events Officer: events@childabductionlawyers.org.uk
5 JULY 2017
CALA’s Summer Party
Wednesday 5th July 2017
Drinks reception: 6.30 ‘til late
At: The Refinery, New Court Square, Great New St, London EC4A 3BF
FREE for members, £20 for non-members.
RSVP to Kevin Skinner, CALA Events Officer: events@childabductionlawyers.org.uk
11 MAY 2017
CALA’s 4th Workshop: Recognition and Enforcement of Orders
A practical guide to the recognition and enforcement of orders following abduction, and in private and public law children cases”
The Child Abduction Lawyers Association is pleased to invite you to our Spring workshop delivered in conjunction with 29 Bedford Row
On Thursday 11 May 2017 – 5.30pm – 7.30pm
At 29 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4EG
5.30pm Introduction
5.45 – 6.45 Three short talks by Indira Ramsahoye, Clare Renton and Roshi Amiraftabi
6.45 – 7.30 General discussion and analysis of case studies
7.30pm Conclusion of workshop
All delegates are invited to stay on for drinks and canapes, kindly hosted by 29 Bedford Row, at the conclusion of the workshop
28 MARCH 2017
CALA’s Spring Lecture
The Child Abduction Lawyers Association is pleased to invite you to CALA’s Spring Lecture, delivered by Professor Beaumont entitled “Private International law concerning child abduction in the UK after Brexit: comparing Treaty Law with the Brussels IIa Regulation”
Arrival: 6pm
Lecture: 6.30pm-7.30pm
Followed by Drinks reception and canapés
At: Royal College of Surgeons, 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE
£10 for members, £35 for non-members
Please note that numbers are limited and bookings from CALA members will be given priority.
RSVP to Kevin Skinner, CALA Events Officer: KevinSkinner@goodmanray.com
08 NOVEMBER 2016
CALA’s 3rd Workshop
The Child Abduction Lawyers Association is pleased to invite you to our 3rd workshop delivered in conjunction with Harcourt Chambersentitled “1980 HAGUE CONVENTION: Practical guidance on recent developments”.
At The Drawing Room, The Inner Temple, London.
On Tuesday 8th November 2016, 5pm – 7pm
5.00 pm Arrival: Introduction and brief talk by Edward Devereux
5.20pm: Case Study discussion groups
6.40pm: Round up of the issues raised in the case studies and summary of recent changes/updates to practice in Hague Convention cases
7.00pm: Conclusion of workshop
All delegates are invited to stay on for drinks and canapes, kindly hosted by Harcourt Chambers, at the conclusion of the workshop, in the Drawing Room until 8.30pm
RSVP by 21 October 2016 to Janet Broadley, CALA Marketing Officer:
Please note that numbers are strictly limited and places will be confirmed on a first come first served basis. This workshop is for CALA members only and is FREE.
18 OCTOBER, 2016
The Child Abduction Lawyers Association is pleased to invite you to CALA’s Autumn Lecture, delivered by Lady Justice Black, Head of International Family Justice for England & Wales
Arrival: 6.00pm
Lecture: 6.30pm – 7.30 pm
Drinks Reception and Canapés: 7.30pm – 9.00 pm
At: Royal College of Surgeons, Webb Johnson Hall, 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE
£10 for members, £25 for non-members.
Please note that numbers are strictly limited and bookings from CALA members will be given priority. Places will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment.
RSVP to Kevin Skinner, CALA Events Officer: kevinskinner@goodmanray.com
30 JUNE 2016
The Child Abduction Lawyers Association is inviting members to attend its Summer workshop, “Wardship and the Inherent Jurisdiction in Child Abduction Cases”, delivered in conjunction with 4 Paper Buildings Chambers.
On Thursday 30 June 2016 – 5pm – 7pm
At 4 Paper Buildings, Temple, London EC4Y 7EX.
This workshop will be hosted by Christopher Hames QC and David Williams QC with a number of barristers from Chambers going through the practical aspects of:
Recent developments in law
The relationship with other international instruments
Outbound abduction cases
Inbound abduction cases
RSVP by 23 June 2016 to Mandeep Gill, CALA Treasurer:
Please note that numbers are strictly limited and places will be confirmed on a first come first served basis. This workshop is for CALA members only and is FREE.
28 APRIL, 2016
An Evening with our Patron, The Right Hon. The Baroness Hale of Richmond
The Child Abduction Lawyers Association is pleased to invite you to our Spring Lecture, delivered by our new patron, Lady Hale, at the Supreme Court.
Lady Hale has kindly agreed to speak about the Hague Conference Working Group’s Guide to Good Practice under Article 13 (1) (b) 1980 Hague Convention & the use of the Inherent Jurisdiction in cases concerning the removal of children from the jurisdiction.
Location: The Supreme Court, Parliament Square, Little George St, London SW1P 3BD
Time: Arrival: 6 pm
Lecture and Discussion: 6.30 – 7.30 pm
Drinks Reception and Canapés: 7.30 – 9:00 pm
Cost: £25 for members, £50 for non-members.
Please note that numbers are strictly limited and bookings from CALA members will be given priority. Places will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment.
RSVP by 8 April 2016 to Mandeep Gill: treasurer@childabductionlawyers.org.uk
20 APRIL, 2016
The Child Abduction Lawyers Association is pleased to invite you to our Spring workshop, “the voice of the child in child abduction cases” delivered in conjunction with 1 Kings Bench Walk Chambers
Location: At 1 Kings Bench Walk, Temple, London EC4Y 7DB
Time: 5pm – 7pm
Cost: FREE (Members ONLY event).
This workshop will be hosted by members of 1 Kings Bench Walk and they will go through the practical aspects of:
Developments in child’s objections
Separate representation of a child
Judges meeting children
RSVP by 11 April 2016 to Mandeep Gill, CALA Treasurer:
Please note that numbers are strictly limited and places will be confirmed on a first come first served basis. This workshop is for CALA members only and is FREE.
15 DECEMBER, 2015
Time: 6.30 PM ‘til late
Location: Bunghole Cellars, 57 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6DT
CALA Christmas party
FREE for members, £15 for non-members (credited against membership fee if join on the day)
RSVP by 1st December 2015 to Kevin Skinner, CALA Events Officer: events@childabductionlawyers.org.uk
01 OCTOBER, 2015
Time: 06:00 PM
Location: The Royal College of Surgeons, 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE
“The Inter-relationship between the 1996 Hague Protection Convention & the Revised Brussels II Regulation – implications of Re J (A Child) (1996 Hague Convention) (Morocco)”
CALA will be hosting an evening lecture delivered by Professor Nigel Lowe Emeritus Professor: Cardiff Law School and Saoirse Cowley and Sean Aughey: Legal Advisors to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception.
30 JUNE, 2015
The Child Abduction Lawyers Association is hosting its SUMMER PARTY on Thursday 30 June 2015
Drinks reception: 6.30pm ‘til late
At: Bunghole Cellars (ie Davy’s Wine Bar on High Holborn), 57 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6DT
FREE for members, £20 for non-members.
RSVP by Monday 27 June 2015 to Kevin Skinner, CALA Events Officer: events@childabductionlawyers.org.uk